Monday, February 28, 2005

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
Finally, my spices aren't confined to a small plastic box.

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
I like this new kitchen so much more than the one contained in Rubbermaid bins. With a crock pot, electric skillet, camp stove, water cooler and espresso maker, the only thing I can't do is bake cakes!
A Blogger's First Sin
A blogger's first sin is not updating your blog and never telling the world why you've stopped posting, or when you plan to resume.
In my case, I managed to sneak away to exotic places far across the world in pursuit of happiness and adventure. For me, those things are one in the same.
But now I've returned, and I've moved my kitchen to my hall closet.
Somehow, it's deadline at the magazine as well, so I don't foresee much progress in the next week or so.
Small project such as polyurethaning the foyer, painting the great room, and patching the hall ceiling hole, might take place within the next 2 weeks. But the kitchen, the biggest project, is months awyay. I need to do more research. And I need to find out what's up with the roof.
In my case, I managed to sneak away to exotic places far across the world in pursuit of happiness and adventure. For me, those things are one in the same.
But now I've returned, and I've moved my kitchen to my hall closet.
Somehow, it's deadline at the magazine as well, so I don't foresee much progress in the next week or so.
Small project such as polyurethaning the foyer, painting the great room, and patching the hall ceiling hole, might take place within the next 2 weeks. But the kitchen, the biggest project, is months awyay. I need to do more research. And I need to find out what's up with the roof.