Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
I must say that the ceiling incident was much less amusing than the bucket incident.
Notice the bucket's nature—it holds things, and holds them well. It remains still until someone decides to move it. It is not pliable, and it cannot take another shape. It is a hard plastic that would serve a number of years before losing its handle or developing a leak. It is a servant worthy of praise.
But now, this bucket must be destroyed.
It's not the bucket's fault. I simply didn't think to remove it before I installed the countertop. And now, with no way to remove the bucket from within the cabinetry, I must cut it in half.
Let the beheading begin!
A Missed Step

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
There are certain moments in home ownership when the owner must slap his/her forehead with a solid thud and proclaim, "aaaahhh!!"
Such was the case when installing an attic's worth of insulation, as I stepped through the patch I had previously installed.
Embracing Fall

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
On Monday, I embraced the last day of decent weather to install a new window in the dining room. Jeremiah, the guy who taught me most of what I knew coming into this, came over with his miter saw (mmm... miter saw...) and air compressor (mmm... pneumatic tools....) and got the job done in short time. We then trimmed out the see-through window between the living room and kitchen, as well as the kitchen door.
Then, my friend Jeff came over and trimmed the outside with his fancy aluminum bending machine. All it needs now is some caulk to finish.