Saturday, September 16, 2006
Momentum Rising

Momentum Rising
Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
Has it really been 8 months since the last post? Surely I've worked on the place in that time.
Or not.
Recess is over. Time to get on it. Balance those priorities, keep things moving.
Let's start with the basement. $.49 Armstrong tile at Home Depot allows me to start work on that unfinished back room. The massive amounts of rain we've had hasn't come through the walls or the floor, so I'm confident it's water tight.
Start by thoroughly cleaning. TSP is trisodium phosphate, and it's a bad ass cleaner for anything from your stainless to your galvanized steel. But TSP requires wiping and rinsing, wheras TSP substitute by Jasco doesn't need much of anything. The bottle recommends wiping it down. Do I? Nope. Dehumidifier in effect while I type this update.
Once it's all dried up, I'll use the Latex Primer as suggested by the less-than-enthusiastic individual at Home Depot, swirl it around and get to tiling.
Pretty soon, I'll have a finished floor for my workout sessions.