Sunday, September 18, 2005

Originally uploaded by Michael Browne.
So OK, the trim is still being varnished and cut to fit, and so what if the dishwasher doesn't draw water from the line at this point---who cares? Not me, cause this is the first time in six months (wait, 7 and a half) that I've cleaned my dishes in a kitchen sink. Woo Hoo!
But back to the countertops-- After cutting them, I set them in place using thinset. Then, I cleaned them and used this sealer that fused with the slate to create a stain/water resistant surface. Then, I finished it off with high gloss finish to create a more durable surface. I still have to put another 2 coats on it.
I initially planned to reuse a sink a friend gave me, but when I thought about it, I couldn't bare to put a crappy sink in an otherwise brand new kitchen. So, here it is... with new faucet, as well!
Finishing touches will come soon, but I'm outta here for the trade show in Vegas for a few days. Come October, I'll be rockin a fully finished kitchen!